Get a rundown of 24 of the top fitness trends that you need to know about in 2024. From wellbeing to flexible memberships, and everything in-between! Learn how your gym business can make the most of opportunities these gym trends present.

The fitness industry is always evolving. Adapting to changing consumer demands, new technologies, business models, and more. 2024 is set to be another exciting year of change for the industry.

So, what trends can we expect to impact the fitness industry in 2024?

In no particular order, we’ve compiled 24 of the hottest fitness trends. All are set to shape the industry in 2024 and beyond.

Let’s get stuck in!

Run your business your way in 2024.

Nothing should slow you down or hold you up. That goes for gym management software too. It should be intuitive and simple to use. Helping you go further, faster.

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The fitness industry never stands still. As each year passes, it evolves, adapting to the ever-changing needs and preferences of gymgoers.

In 2024, this evolution will be influenced by a shift in how we view health and fitness. As well as the growing opportunities that technology presents.

At Xplor Gym, we’re lucky enough to work with the most innovative and successful gyms. And collaborate with the top industry experts and suppliers.

So, we know what’s happening in the industry. And we’ve created a comprehensive list of the latest trends in the fitness industry to watch.

Check out this quick overview of 24 fitness trends you need to know about (in no particular order!). Or scroll down to find out about each fitness industry trend in more detail:

  1. Wellbeing
  2. Functional fitness
  3. HYROX
  4. Onboarding & inductions
  5. Gen Z gymgoers
  6. Longevity
  7. Member feedback
  8. Personalised experiences
  9. Wearable tech
  10. Social connections
  11. Inactivity
  12. Values
  13. Staffing
  14. Leader & team wellbeing
  15. Personal training
  16. Professionalisation
  17. Nutrition
  18. Niches
  19. Memorable spaces
  20. 24/7 and unmanned gyms
  21. Sleepers
  22. Flexible memberships
  23. Strength training
  24. Getting attention

24 fitness trends shaping the future of the gym industry

Let’s explore the continuing and new fitness trends that will shape the future of the gym industry in 2024 and beyond.

Fitness trend #1: Wellbeing

Supporting wellbeing

Wellbeing was a hot topic at many industry events this year. Traditionally, the health & fitness industry has been very focused on physical activity, but that’s changing fast. Gymgoers are becoming more focused on total wellbeing and wellness. So, you have the opportunity to empower gymgoers to move, eat, and recover well.

Athlete 2.0

During The Mindset of a CEO session at PerformX Live 2023, Ollie Marchon shared his athlete 2.0 concept. Ollie is a former professional athlete turned strength coach. And owner of specialist small group training facility and online training platform, MARCHON.

Ollie explained that gymgoers today are more educated than ever. And so want to explore what they can do away from training in the gym. Gymgoers want to reduce stress and feel healthier, all while learning to move well. This means prioritising recovery.

Sleep, nutrition, and hot/cold exposure have all been under the spotlight.


Wellbeing was also discussed during the Getting The Industry In Shape For The Future panel at Elevate 2023. As well as introducing classes, activities, and services to support wellbeing, gyms have the opportunity to play a bigger role in preventative medicine.

Lisa Kuecker, from Studio Grow, shared that in other parts of the world fitness facilities are moving towards a wellness centre model. Incorporating many fitness styles and functional medicine under one roof.

To make the most of this opportunity, you will need to prove outcomes of services offered. Capturing datapoints is essential.

Fitness trend #2: Functional fitness

Demand for functional fitness training

Functional fitness training has earned its place in the list of top fitness trends.

It’s all about training to improve balance, coordination, functional strength, and endurance. Functional fitness makes the activities of everyday life that bit easier. Training programmes reflect actual activities that gymgoers may do in real life.

And it made 5th place in the 2023 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey of trends voted on by health and fitness professionals. This is an increase from 14th place in 2021 and 2022.

As a gym business, you can make the most of this opportunity by:

  • Introducing functional fitness group classes
  • Offering specialised personal training sessions
  • Adding functional fitness workout programmes to your gym member app

Fitness trend #3: HYROX

Everyone is talking about (and training for) HYROX

In 2024, HYROX will continue to dominate social media feeds. And appeal to even more gymgoers looking for a competitive gym challenge. And, it’s easy to understand why HYROX has exploded in popularity.

Founded in 2017, HYROX is a global fitness race. It aims to provide a new challenge for gymgoers and fitness enthusiasts. HYROX uses the slogan, ‘The Fitness Competition for Every Body’, seeking to welcome people of all fitness levels.

HYROX combines functional strength, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and endurance training. It starts with a 1km run, followed by 1 functional movement, repeated 8 times. It’s fast taking over from marathon and assault course challenges.

Gymgoers can compete individually doing the whole race alone. Or as a pair sharing the exercises and both running. And alternatively, as a relay with each team member doing 2 runs and 2 exercises.

Above all, HYROX gives gymgoers a way to train with purpose, be part of a strong community and have fun.

HYROX runs a gym affiliate scheme to help you integrate HYROX into your programming. New Zealand gyms are encouraged to email HYROX for more information about affiliation.

Fitness trend #4: Onboarding & inductions

Mastering the art of onboarding new members

The number of gyms and fitness centres in New Zealand has risen in 2024, so you need to be more focused than ever on retaining members. And that starts with effectively onboarding new members.

Research has shown that former gym members who had an induction kept visiting 4 extra months on average. Plus, were less likely to cancel due to lack of use or for cost/financial reasons.

“The first appointment is ideally called anything but an induction. After all many people have had a poor induction in the past. Welcome Session, Activation, Getting Started, or Step 1 are all good alternatives.

Consider having an alternative name (e.g., Fast Track) for experienced members who are reluctant to take up this session. These members have already left (failed) at least once, so need this appointment.”

Guy Griffiths, GGFit

Gyms are moving to rethink and rebrand gym inductions. As well as making this a part of a longer gym member onboarding process. One that’s dynamically tailored to each member.

Improving the early days of a member’s experience to build the habit of visiting regularly will be even more important in 2024. Consider the best approach for your business.

Fitness trend #5: Gen Z gymgoers

Catering to Gen Z

At the Independent Gyms Summer Conference 2023, we heard from Carl McCartney from Les Mills UK. Carl shared insights from the Gen Z Fitness: Cracking The Code research report which is helping independent gyms understand what the youngest group of gymgoers are looking for.

80% of gym and health club goers worldwide are Gen Z (born 1997-2010) or Millennial (born 1981-1996).

Gen Z present a particular opportunity for gyms. 30% are already working out at fitness facilities. And a further 50% want to start working out regularly but need help starting.

Meeting Gen Z gymgoer expectations

So, how can your gym business cater to Gen Z? Above all, Gen Z want to get fitter. And they want to be healthier, improve their appearance, and feel better in general.

A digital experience is a must – 50% of Gen Zers who regularly exercise use an app to guide them in the gym. Choose software that includes a gym member app. One that lets you give members access to targeted workouts and programmes. So, they can follow along and track progress.

Gen Zers who work out regularly want to exercise inside and out of the gym (72%). And this group also favours strength workouts (82% use pin-loaded and/or cable machines / 81% use free weights).

Plus, Gen Z want a social experience, with clubs building social connections between members. Value for money and convenient access also matter.

If you can cater to the demands of Gen Z in 2024, you’ll be able to attract more of this growing audience of gymgoers.

Fitness trend #6: Longevity

Promoting longevity for an ageing population

New Zealand has an ageing population. At Elevate, Neil King from Longevity Network spoke of the need as an industry to collaborate with the biotech industry. This collaboration should aim to help the ageing population live healthier lives.

Gym owners and operators should focus on creating a personalised member experience. One that caters for different needs and conditions. And helping members make the best nutrition and supplement choices too.

To better cater to longevity, the right team is essential. Neil recommended training longevity coaches. And highlighted the need to look to new talent pools when recruiting.

For example, those leaving healthcare and teaching make great candidates as they bring the benefit of life experience.

Fitness trend #7: Member feedback

Importance of listening to member demands & feedback

In 2024, gym owners and operators are being challenged to talk less and listen more.

Creating a feedback culture in clubs will help you understand what members want. Then take action to make improvements. So, more members join and keep coming back for longer.

This is essential if more people are to enjoy everything you have to offer.

“Historically many of us have thought it’s just feedback, I know the issues. But we really need to shift that focus to understanding that feedback is vital business intelligence that you can act on and move your business forward.”

Julie Allen, Active Insight

Start by asking for feedback regularly during the new gym member onboarding process. Quick surveys. Review requests. Verbal feedback during visits. NPS surveys. Everything counts. Discuss feedback internally at 1-2-1s and in team settings.

Nail your resolution process to show you are really listening and making changes. Use a ‘you said, we did’ approach to show action. Be empathetic. And if you can’t make a request happen, get back in touch and show you’ve heard.

If members know you act on gym member feedback, they’ll be more willing to provide constructive feedback in the future. And that’s key to better meeting gymgoer demands over the long-term to cut attrition and increase retention.

“There also needs to be a commitment on feedback from the team. It’s easy to get busy doing something else and set feedback aside. What I ended up doing in my facility was doing ‘Testimonial Tuesday’ on socials. I shared some feedback every week and that was my commitment to actually looking at feedback.”

Amy Ritson, Independent Gyms

Fitness trend #8: Personalised experiences

Using tech to engage & deliver personalised experiences at scale

Another top fitness industry trend for gym owners and operators is the increased need to use technology to engage members. And deliver the levels of personalisation members demand, consistently and at scale.

The topic came up at PerformX Live 2023 in the Technology & Gamification CEOs panel. Tech leaders David Stalker (Myzone), Andy Hall (Brand Xchange), and David Birch (Endurance Zone) discussed opportunities for gyms.

Clubs have a wealth of data available today. And this data can be used to create personalised, engaging member experiences. Inspiring and encouraging members to visit more often.

Recent Digital Futures research shows the fitness industry is getting started with tech. And is at the ‘digital experimenter’ phase. For many independent gyms, there are massive gains to be had from embracing tech in new ways.

Tech, like gym management software, can help you deliver consistent experiences at scale. This in turn makes retention easier.

Similarly, you can use tech to power gamification which boosts engagement. Gym challenges are an easy entry point into gamification.

Fitness trend #9: Wearable tech

Wearable tech continues to dominate

Wearable tech topped the 2023 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey of trends. And it’s here to stay!

Wearable tech includes smartwatches, heart rate monitors, GPS tracking devices, and more. Any fitness and activity tracker monitoring heart rate, calories, steps, sleep, and more, is wearable tech.

Since wearable tech entered the ACSM survey in 2016 it’s remained in top position. Only falling from first place in 2018 (#3) and 2021 (#2).

Wearable tech is becoming more accurate than ever. And new innovations are arming everyday athletes access to even more performance and recovery data. Think blood pressure, oxygen saturation, body temperature, respiratory rate, and more.

For gym owners and operators, wearable tech can help you to engage and motivate members.

Your gym member app should integrate with leading wearable tech brands. So, members can track activity in and out of the gym. Your personal trainers should help members understand the wealth of data wearables give.

Fitness trend #10: Social connections

Creating social experiences

As we saw in trend number 5, gymgoers of all ages are looking to meet new people and feel part of a community by joining a gym. This is an important fitness industry trend for gyms to pay attention to.

Entrepreneur, speaker, investor, author, BBC Dragon, and host of the popular The Diary of a CEO podcast, Steven Bartlett spoke about this. Steven explained that meaningful connections are even more important in this digital world.

A survey found 656,000 New Zealanders aged 15+ reported feeling lonely some/most/all of the time in the last four weeks (before the survey).

Connection is an essential need. And fitness businesses have the opportunity to create strong communities. As well as forging meaningful connections amongst members.

Gyms are evolving to become social spaces and community hubs, uniting likeminded members. Find ways to build lasting connections between members. And you’ll be able to make the most of the business opportunity this presents too.

Fitness trend #11: Inactivity

Tackling inactivity as an industry

During his exclusive interview, Steven Bartlett also shared advice for the fitness industry on how we can tackle the inactivity crisis.

Tackling inactivity has long been a topic discussed within the fitness industry. So, we’ve included it in this list as it’s vital to the growth of the industry. And to reducing the burden inactivity places on the economy.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) published research on this. It shows the high cost of physical inactivity globally.

Urgent action to encourage more people to become physically active must be taken. If action isn’t taken by 2030 almost 500 million people globally will develop noncommunicable diseases. And that will cost around US$27 million a year.

Steven advised storytelling that inspires action will help more people become physically active. Telling a story with emotion grabs attention in a more powerful way than sharing facts and figures.

If we can inspire people to feel something, we’ll avoid becoming ignored, shared Steven. Gyms are in an ideal position to use emotional storytelling to attract new members struggling with inactivity.

Think about how you can use storytelling in your marketing. Inspire your community with stories of those who’ve become more active. Show the positive impact it’s had. So, you’ll play your part in solving the inactivity crisis and grow your business at the same time.

Fitness trend #12: Values

Connecting through values

Another hot fitness industry trend is the importance of living and breathing your values.

“I live and die by this quote that’s gone with me throughout my career in the fitness industry. ‘Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, and how you leave people feeling is your trademark.’

It’s such a powerful quote. And as an owner or operator if you really think about yourself and build your values around that, you will create the team you need in place to be in line with your own ethos, your own values, and your own morals.”

Amy Ritson, Independent Gyms

Always consider what complements your brand and business before making changes. And to keep your business true to your values, you need to recruit the right team. Select people who will build on your unique style and vision.

Aligning your business to your values can also help you attract members. People buy from brands that share their values. Use education to bring your values to life and inspire both members and staff.

Similarly, Adrian Marks from marketing agency enjoy! and coaching business Acceleratr Consulting explained how you can bring values into your brand to fuel growth.

Adrian said successful gym brands get people to think ‘that’s me’, connecting and buying into the brand. And that buy-in drives business growth.


Check out Xplor Xperience: 7 growth lessons for ambitious gym owners & operators for more from Adrian. And bring your values into your brand to attract more members.

Read more

Fitness trend #13: Staffing

Finding (and keeping) the right team

Building a business that’s aligned to your values can help you attract and keep the right team members. Hiring gym staff and retaining them too, is a challenge for many gym owners and operators right now.

Finding and keeping top talent is a costly and time-consuming task. Add to that managing the performance of current staff, and it’s easy to see why this is a fitness industry trend.

Your team are central to the success of your business.

For every 2 interactions fitness staff have with a member in a month, the member makes 1 extra visit the next month. And more visits mean a member is less likely to cancel and more likely to renew.

Complement your own strengths

As well as aligning your business to your values and being able to clearly speak to these values, consider what you are exceptional at.

Steven Bartlett talks about how important it’s been to find the right team members as he’s scaled his businesses.

That starts with understanding where your strengths and weaknesses are. So, you can hire team members who complement these. Delegate anything outside of your talents to those who can do the jobs better than you can.

Having a team you can trust is vital to avoid getting in your own way. Steven spoke to the importance of loving work – for you and your staff – these 4 principles will help:

  1. Have a sense of forward motion – a feeling of progress matters
  2. Have a sense of challenge – the right level of challenge that’s a push and achievable
  3. Have the right people around you – you and your team should genuinely enjoy working together
  4. Have a goal that’s subjectively worthwhile to you and your team

Fitness trend #14: Leader & team wellbeing

Prioritising wellbeing

Earlier in our fitness industry trends, we spoke about supporting member wellbeing. Yet, first you need to focus on your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of your team.

“When we’re aware we can make changes. But the truth is that we are the biggest asset to our business and if we are not well, how sustainable will we be in creating a business that thrives, and in helping our colleagues thrive, and our members thrive too.” 

Emma Hossack, ICF, We Talk Wellbeing

During a very special webinar, the inspirational Dr Glenda Rivoallan, DBA and Emma Hossack, ICF of We Talk Wellbeing spoke to the opportunity that embracing wellbeing throughout your business presents.

Want to transform your business and embrace wellbeing? Start with your own wellbeing as a fitness leader. Be aware of and deal with stress and negative thought patterns to see things in a new way.

Think about the resilience skills you’ve picked up over the past few years. Use them to become more resilient in stressful situations.

Team resilience & wellbeing

Also, consider how resilient your teams are. Aim to help your staff become more resilient.

Look beyond what they are telling you to detect what’s really going on. They should be stretched but not strained with their workload. Avoid bore out (where team members are unchallenged) and burnout. Keep your team motivated and engaged.

“People are the absolute critical investment that you now must make to raise the dial and make sure that you hit that flow state… If the lights are on and no one is home, we have a big, big problem.

And there are three things that you can do to really help your people be ready for this opportunity. That is to give clear communication, make sure you deal with unfair or unrealistic workloads, and ensure that load is spread evenly because we know there’s no I in team.”

Dr Glenda Rivoallan, DBA, We Talk Wellbeing

If you can improve the wellbeing of yourself and your team, you’ll be well positioned to become a wellbeing solution for your members.


How can fitness leaders tap into the transformative wellbeing opportunity? Get the full rundown on this trend.

Get the lowdown

Fitness trend #15: Personal training

Elevated personal training experiences

Personal training is consistently featured in the ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey of fitness trends each year. For 2023 it came in 10th place.

Exactly how gyms work with personal trainers (PTs) differs business-to-business. Some directly employ PTs. Others charge PTs rent to train clients. And others will take a % of the revenue PTs earn training clients at their gym.

Each different approach comes with pros and cons. There are no rights or wrongs. You need to do what suits your business. What’s clear are the benefits that personal training can bring to your gym business.

Offering personal training to members will help them follow a structured programme to achieve their goals. And benefit from expert guidance along the way to avoid injury. Many gyms struggle with visibility of PT activity as PTs tend to use separate systems.

In 2024, it will be more important than ever to give your PTs access to digital tools. Tools that also power better training experiences for your members.

Helping you retain the best PTs and your members. While gaining visibility into PT activity directly in your gym management software.

Fitness trend #16: Professionalisation

Growing the professionalisation of the industry

Employing certified fitness professionals also featured in the top 10 trends from ACSM.

The fitness industry needs to be taken seriously as a partner in the healthcare system. And in other areas where we can provide value. To do that we must provide data to prove the success of programmes offered. And professionalise the industry.

Right now, there are many fitness professionals delivering advice in person and online. Some hold recognised qualifications. Others don’t. So, it’s tough to know what is quality advice and what isn’t.

More attention needs to be paid to high-quality education, qualifications, and governance.

You can get ahead by tracking results members achieve through your programmes. And making sure you provide your team with up-to-date training and qualifications.

Investing in training for your team will also encourage top talent to stay put. So, they develop their career with your gym business.

Fitness trend #17: Nutrition

Adding nutrition solutions

Nutrition can be as important as fitness in helping members achieve fitness goals. And can also improve wellbeing. So, in 2024, adding nutrition services will let you cater to growing member demand for support.

It is a topic discussed by Jeni Peters and Paul Swainson from Future Fit. The pair have identified that few PTs and gyms provide support. Support that can enhance training programmes.

Most PT qualifications of level 3 and above include a nutrition element. You could also bring in a nutritionist.

3-step approach to start adding nutrition solutions

Jeni and Paul provided a 3-step approach you can take to add nutrition solutions to your gym business:

  1. Add nutrition into your promotions and in-club messaging (e.g. run a nutrition gym challenge or put on workshops focusing on specific nutrition topics)
  2. Provide training for your PTs to develop communication and coaching skills that will help them offer nutritional support. So, they can have a long-term positive impact on member eating habits
  3. Offer a valuable product or service that includes nutrition. For example, bundle nutrition into your PT packages or run an 8-week nutrition and weight management programme

Fitness trend #18: Niches

Niching to succeed

A fitness industry trend to consider in 2024 is niching.

Competition is fierce for independent gyms. It’s vital to stand out from local competitors and big chain gyms. And developing a niche may be the answer.

Niching can help you deeply appeal to a specific demographic. Building a strong connected community. And attracting brand advocates who will bring in more new members.

You can start to identify the right niche for your gym business by looking at the latest fitness trends. And also the demographics of your current membership base.

Joining an independent gym network can also help. It’s a way to speak with peers across the country. So, you can learn and get inspiration based on the experience of people who’ve been where you are before.

Fitness trend #19: Memorable spaces

Creating unforgettable spaces

As we saw in our previous gym trend, you need to stand out to succeed in 2024. And one way to do that is through your physical premises.

Spaces can be curated to create differentiated member experiences. And that will drive retention and attract new members too.

When creating or redesigning your club, think about flow. How will members move through your space? How do different spaces within a facility impact one another?

Rob Beale from luxury leader Third Space shared how the brand has focused on attention to detail and consistency across each site. So, creating an impactful member experience. Every detail makes it clear to members that they’re in a Third Space club.

Music can also help create a memorable experience when visiting a club. Curated and considered playlists throughout your club can enhance the member experience.

Think about how you can create a space that feeds into your gym branding. You don’t have to be a luxury club to do this. Enhancing the member experience and helping you stand out from the competition.

Fitness trend #20: 24/7 and unmanned gyms

Moving to 24/7 opening and unmanned access control

The fitness industry is highly competitive market and cost pressures have greatly increased. And so, we’re seeing an increasing number of gyms move towards offering 24/7 access to members. As well as, putting in place access control solutions that facilitate unmanned access.

Jumping on this gym trend and going 24/7 and/or becoming unmanned can benefit both owners and members.

It can reduce the strain of running a gym for owners. Cutting the need to work relentless hours to cover resource and staffing challenges. Providing a better work/life balance. And freeing up time to invest into your business, team, and members.

Meanwhile, for members this set up can offer ultimate convenience. 24/7 opening lets members workout on their own schedule – perfect for shift workers and night owls! And it’s a reason to stick with their independent rather than choosing a big name chain.


Curious about switching to 24-hour opening? Check out this article for pros and cons. Plus, tips on making the transition.

Read now

Fitness trend #21: Sleepers

Waking sleeping members – should you?

Whether gyms should wake sleepers or not has been a hot topic of conversation recently. And it will continue into 2024 as a fitness industry trend.

A sleeper is usually defined as a member who hasn’t visited/used their gym membership in 30 or more days. Many sleepers were woken during 2020 and 2021. Gyms had to communicate closures, reopening, and payment freezes.

Some sleepers keep paying because they believe it’ll encourage them to get back to the gym. You may choose to leave sleepers alone for this reason. And to avoid disrupting their slumber and triggering a cancellation.

Re-engage before members nod off

Most members will cancel around 5 months after their last visit. So, timing matters when recovering sleepers. Get in touch with members sooner rather than later and use a multichannel approach.

The gym retention software features in your gym management system should help you automatically identify when each member breaks away from their regular visit habits. And take a targeted, personalised approach to re-engage high risk gym members.

There are risks and rewards whether you leave sleepers alone or attempt to re-engage them. Consider what the right approach is for your gym business. The answer may not be the same for all sleepers either.

Fitness trend #22: Flexible memberships

Giving members more flexibility

What’s next up on our list of the latest trends in the fitness industry? The growing demand from gymgoers for flexible access options.

In late-2021, research found that 23% of gymgoers were looking for competitive pricing when picking a gym. Plus, 13% wanted a flexible membership.

This research also found that of those who’d cancelled a gym membership during COVID, 21% didn’t want to be locked into long-term agreements.

At the same time, the subscription economy boomed. These subscriptions range from streaming platforms to food, cosmetics, and clothes boxes.

Many of these subscriptions make it easy for members to cancel at any time. Members usually lose access at the end of the period they’ve paid for.

Recent attrition research found that almost half of former gym members cancelled indirectly. That was due to a payment failure or having cancelled a payment with their bank.

To cater to gymgoer demands, review your gym contracts and cancellations. Consider flexible access options. And how you can make freezing or cancelling a membership a positive experience.

“A freeze or suspension may be an option for members who aren’t visiting right now, especially if injured or finding it difficult to visit.

Limiting the freeze term and communicating constantly during a freeze (encouraging an early return and maintaining engagement) is critical to get a member back after a freeze, otherwise, you’re just delaying the cancellation.”

Guy Griffiths, GGFit

Fitness trend #23: Strength training

More people want to reap the rewards of getting stronger

The ACSM survey placed strength training with free weights in position number 2 of the top trends for 2023. This fitness trend looks set to continue into 2024.

Strength training with free weights includes the use of barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells. So, muscular fitness is improved and maintained. Strength training in general can also include the use of strength training machines.

Gymgoers have increasingly become aware of the benefits that strength training offers. Research continues to demonstrate the positive impact it can have on:

  • Muscle size and strength
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Bone density
  • Joint stability and protection
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Body fat percentage
  • Sleep quality

Strength training is most effective when executed with proper form. You can help your members reap the rewards of strength training with proper form through:

  • PT sessions
  • Small group training
  • Group fitness classes
  • And guided workouts delivered via your app

Fitness trend #24: Getting attention

Standing out from the crowd

Serious about growing your business? You need to pay attention to the latest gym marketing trends. So, you stand out from the crowd and attract more new members.

It’s important to get organic social, search, email marketing, and word of mouth marketing right. So, you achieve sustainable growth reaching new prospects who may not be ready to buy yet.

Charlie Horton from the Fitness Marketing Agency (FMA), highlights that gyms can do better when using Meta (Facebook and Instagram) advertising to attract more new members.

For many gyms and fitness clubs, Meta ads can be the most effective paid way to attract new leads and members.

Common hurdles

Tried Facebook and/or Instagram ads previously without success? Charlie outlined these common mistakes gyms make:

  1. Not directing ads to a dedicated landing page
  2. Not set up to convert leads into sales
  3. Not promoting an appealing offer
  4. Not targeting an exact audience with each ad
  5. Not effectively setting up ads in the Meta platform

Address these common mistakes. And you’ll be best placed to take advantage of this effective gym marketing channel in 2024. So you sign up more new members ready to join your gym.

The wrap up…

There you have it 24 fitness industry trends for 2024 (in no particular order) that gyms need to pay attention to.

If you can keep on top of these fitness trends, you’ll be set up for success in 2024 and beyond.

Choose gym management software that will help set your fitness business up for success. Book a demo to see Xplor Gym in action.

  • First published: 15 December 2023

    Written by: Xplor Gym