Exceptional member management

Want to grow your fitness club? You need an all-in-one fitness CRM that has everything you need in one platform.

Xplor Gym has all the tools you need to run your business, in one easy-to-use place. You'll be able to manage the complete member journey, sales, billing, marketing, retention, and more, straight from your gym CRM.

Best-in-class CRM for gym owners & operators

Save time & effort

A total gym CRM system makes it easy to complete simple tasks. Everything in one place, less time and effort spent switching systems.

Enhance member experiences

Manage the entire member journey. Drive consistent, quality member experiences throughout the member lifecycle.

Stay up to date

Get a 360° view of every member in your gym database software that’s always completely up to date. No discrepancies or delays.

All the features you need from your gym CRM software

Everything you want from your software and so much more. Xplor Gym lets you grow and run your business with ease.

Integrated fitness CRM

Get a single 360° view of every member

Xplor Gym is a complete end-to-end gym member management solution. So, you can run all aspects of your business in one place. And that means you’ll get a complete member view too. 

Gym database management should be easy. No need to switch systems. No discrepancies. You’ll save time and reduce the effort needed to perform simple tasks.  

Membership Payments 

Manage billing and payments

As all-in-one software, Xplor Gym handles billing for you. Set up flexible billing schedules. Create promotions and discounts. Offer add-on purchases. And take one-off payments.  

Plus, with our payment technology and team on your side, you can stop chasing overdue or missed payments. We’ll help you increase membership payment collection rates and revenue. And keep your members happy, resolving any billing questions they have. 

Rely on your software for complete and up-to-date payment information for each member.  

Acquisition & retention

Build strong connections with members & prospects

Manage both your prospects and members in one place. That means easy gym database management, less admin, and less room for error. Plus, get complete visibility of both members and prospects. 

Create email and SMS journeys for customers at all stages of the lifecycle. From the moment they first engage with you, through to membership, and even beyond. Xplor Gym's in-built marketing automation tools put you in control. 

Create triggers at key stages of a member’s journey with you to automate communications. Send personalised messages at exactly the right time. Delight members and inspire action. 

Save time by sending automated messages straight from your gym database software. No switching systems or data imports. Automatically identify members at risk of cancellation and re-engage them. So, you’ll increase retention to support business growth. 

Access control

Automate access control across your facilities

Provide a seamless member experience. Thanks to easy to manage integrated access control. All automated based on real-time, membership data. 

Automatically manage access as memberships start, are suspended, and end. Set access rules to address missed or failed membership payments.  

Let new members start using their membership as soon as they sign up with mobile app access. Use dynamic QR codes to avoid PIN code sharing and fraudulent access. 

Reporting & insights

Understand business performance

Make informed decisions across all levels of your business fast. Xplor Gym gives you access to the live insights you need thanks to centralised reporting and dashboards.  

View key performance metrics on your dashboard. So, you save your team from generating many time-consuming mundane reports.  

Improve sales across your business. Analyse combined sales data to find focus areas for training. For example, enquiry handling, conversion, and retention rates.  

As an all-in-one gym CRM, Xplor Gym makes viewing member history fast. And that means you can take action to attract and keep members coming back. Growing your business and increasing revenue. 

Rely on the team and technology Xplor Gym offers

Want to ask a question?

We’re here to help. Get in touch to speak to a gym CRM expert.

Frequently asked questions

Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps gym owners and operators manage member data. Key features to look for in a CRM for gym and fitness clubs include: 

  • Membership management 
  • Prospecting and online joining 
  • Class scheduling and management 
  • Marketing automation 
  • Billing 
  • Reporting 
  • Member app 
  • Coaching tools 
  • And more!

Many clubs choose an all-in-one fitness CRM to make managing their business easier. 

A gym CRM system will help gyms and fitness clubs manage member relationships. And store the data associated with these relationships.  

Typical CRM activities include: 

  • Automating repetitive tasks 
  • Sending targeted marketing emails and SMS messages 
  • Track member visits and other touchpoints 
  • Reporting on business performance  
  • And controlling access to fitness facilities

Xplor Gym is a gym CRM like no other. Innovative gyms and fitness clubs are choosing Xplor Gym for several reasons: 

  • Easy to use – Xplor Gym has a very modern user experience and user interface. That means you (and your team) can get started fast. And accuracy is improved thanks to simple, logical processes and minimal steps.  Plus, navigate with ease using fast search functions. 
  • Enhanced member journey – Xplor Gym gives you online joining. User friendly self-service options and a native mobile app. And personalised member communications. So, you’ll be able to optimise your member journey with Xplor Gym. 
  • Automated marketing – Marketing automation features let you send emails and SMS messages. Targeted and personalised from your software. Schedule messages to send later. Set up triggers to send messages based on specific criteria. Plus run one-off campaigns. 
  • Prospecting – Access prospecting tools that let you manage leads and track sales activities to successfully sign up more new members. Let new members sign up online and in-club, paper free. And abandoned basket functionality lets you see where prospective members fail to complete an online sign up. So, you can automatically follow up to drive more sign ups. Automated targeted, email journeys let you turn prospects into members.  
  • Retention – Automatically see when members are at risk of cancelling, with an algorithm that adjusts to your gym business. Quickly see when members are sleeping and visit habits have changed. 
  • Better bookings – Members will easily be able to browse and book classes via your app and online. For popular classes that are fully booked, members can choose to join a wait list. So, they’ll automatically get a place if one becomes free. 
  • Superior reporting – See the information that matters most to you as soon as you login. Xplor Gym gives you key performance indicators (KPIs) straight on your homepage. Plus, a broad set of ready-built reports will help you track business performance.  
  • Membership payments – You won’t need a separate membership billing provider with Xplor Gym. So, you’ll see live payment information in your gym CRM. No discrepancies or switching systems. With a single gym database, you’ll be able to report on your business accurately. Plus, quickly answer member queries. 

Ready to work smarter not harder?

Book your demo to see Xplor Gym in action with a personalised walk through.